30-Day Eat Less Sugar Challenge 2022

It’s 2022, and it is common to write new year’s resolutions at the start of the year.. For sure, many of you included cutting down on sugars to keep a healthy lifestyle in your lists. Admit it, this is a resolution that is hard to keep. Getting away from sugary food and drinks is very challenging. 

Here is a trick. Instead of completely removing sugar from your diet, why not take a more relatable approach – consuming less sugar. We have come up with this 30-day less sugar challenge to slash your sugar consumption.

Try these ten suggestions to jumpstart your 30-Day Less Sugar Challenge that is guaranteed to change your eating habits for good.

Day 1: Try Using Spices

All your life you’ve known that sugar makes everything taste good. This is not true. Try adding spices and natural extracts to make your food taste better. Adding vanilla to your cookies or cinnamon to a smoothie will give it more flavor without the guilt.

Day 2: Different Add-Ons to your Omelet

Here is a quick weekday meal perfect for breakfast or dinner: omelet with broccoli and cheese. You will not crave a sweet snack with this satisfying meal.

Day 3: Find a Substitute for Sweetened Beverages

Most of our sugar intake came from sugary beverages. Yes dear, that Starbucks vanilla latte you love is loaded with sugar! Try enjoying a plain coffee or tea if possible or cut back on the sugar.

Day 4: Beware of Condiments

Most condiments have hidden sugar content. Keep off the ketchup or barbecue sauce. Use hot sauce or mustard instead.

Day 5: Eat Fruit Every Day

Fruits may contain sugar, but they are natural sugar. Aside from sugar, it also contains fiber and water that slows down the absorption of sugar. Have a serving or two of fruits a day.

Day 6: Low-Carb Spin on Classic Dishes

Look for recipes that are low on carbohydrates but big on taste. Serve it with sales and whole wheat bread to complete the meal.

Day 7: Try a Savory Breakfast

Skip the sweet and indulging Danish and try savory breakfast instead. An avocado toast or a hard-boiled egg with fruit is a perfect substitute.

Day 8: Do Not Wait Till you Get Hungry 

We succumb to tempting sugary food when we are hungry. To avoid this, eat a healthy meal or snack before you feel famished. It can help you curb the craving before it even starts.

Day 9: Get Ahead

Meal planning is the best solution to track your food intake. It will also prevent you from going for fast food or take outs with high sugar content.

Day 10: Try Plain Yogurt

There are a myriad of flavors available when you go to the chiller section for your yogurt. These flavored ones are loaded with sugar. Choose plain yogurt and sweeten them yourself so that you have better control. Try adding honey, nuts, and fresh fruits. 

Eat Smart! 

There are plenty of health benefits when you cut down on sugars, but it will not happen overnight. Take this 30-day less sugar challenge seriously and you will achieve your goals.

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