Healthiest Fruits

Fruits are an excellent source of nutrients and they are also high in fiber. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can have wide-ranging benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease, inflammation, cancer, and diabetes. 

However, you should eat some fruits with caution. Here are the best fruits you can include in your daily diet more than the others.

Healthiest Fruits to Eat 

Get ready with your notepad and include the following fruits the next time you shop for your produce.


Lemons are not only high in vitamin C. They are also rich in folate, potassium, and flavonoids. The latter is linked to reducing the risk of cognitive decline as flavonoids enhance circulation and help protect the brain cells from damage. They are great in adding to dishes too. 


Oranges are packed with vitamin C and have shown anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, and anti-cancer properties. They are wonderful on their own, or add slices to your salad or use it in cooking and baking.  


Like lemons and other citrus, grapefruit is packed with Vitamin C. Consuming grapefruit can help improve blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels. 


Limes have plenty of health benefits. It contains iron, calcium, and lots of vitamin C. It is used in margaritas and as a terrific ingredient in Thai-inspired menus.


This tropical fruit is loaded with vitamin C and an excellent source of manganese, a mineral that helps your brain and nervous system function. It is best when grilled or as a stand-alone dessert or base for side dishes.


This fruit is a good source of fiber but should be eaten in moderation as they are high in sugar/ Figs are an elegant addition to your cheese plate and versatile in cooking as it can be used in an appetizer or dessert.

Honeydew Melons

Sweet honeydew melons are packed with vitamin C and can provide 50% of your daily requirement in one serving. It also contains potassium and fiber. 


This fruit is high in potassium, vitamin C, and folate. It also contains flavonoids that contain anti-inflammatory, immune-boosting, and blood sugar-stabilizing properties. Since it has high water content, it is a good source of hydration.


Known as a superfood, pomegranates have the fiber and potassium you need daily. They are also a good source of vitamin C and K. It is used in salads, savory entrees because of their hint of sweetness.


Plums have anti-inflammatory benefits and boost your cognitive ability. Dried prunes are rich in magnesium and calcium that can decrease the risk of osteoporosis. You can grill plums with your chicken. The heat will intensify its flavor.


Aside from vitamin C and fiber, pear can keep you hydrated. Like plums, you can also add pear as a side dish to a protein main dish during a barbeque party.


Raspberries contain about eight grams of fiber. No wonder it is one of the highest in fiber content among the fruits listed here. Other than fiber, it is also an antioxidant and has blood-sugar stabilizing benefits when combined with protein. Add them to your breakfast – oatmeal, yogurt, or smoothie, and it will keep you energized and satisfied until your next meal.


Speaking of berries, the list will not be complete without blueberries. These fruits are loaded with polyphenolic compounds that can protect your heart by preventing harmful plaque or damage. Its fiber content can slow down the digestion in your GI tract and steady the release of sugar into your bloodstream. Thus a prolonged energy boost. 


This type of berry is a great source of antioxidants and vitamin C. A cup of strawberry contains 80 calories and 9 grams of fiber. It is enough to enjoy its maximum flavor and fullness without worrying about calories. 


Another superfruit, avocadoes, gives the body the heart-healthy fatty acids and magnesium it needs. Magnesium is a key mineral that impacts muscular and neurological functions. Plus, avocados have low-sugar content. You can eat as many as you want.


Guavas can give your immune system a major boost because it is rich in potassium, fiber, folate, and vitamin C. You can eat it on its own or turn it into a tasty jam, or as a glaze for your favorite dishes.


Grapes contain polyphenolic compounds that have antioxidant properties. Adding grapes to your diet can protect its tissues and decrease inflammation. 


It is important to incorporate fruits into your daily diet. As much as possible, eat them as the whole product and not as fruit juices or concentrates. Fruit products contain more sugar and are often stripped of their vitamins and nutrients.

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